Vol. 2 contained the first With love, Lank printed tee as well as new handmade bow pieces. You all absolutely blew us away with your purchases and support!!
I hope the t-shirts serve as a reminder to not only take care of your clothes but to also take care of your heart! It's easy to overlook the importance of protecting and nurturing our hearts in a society that focuses so heavily on the exterior of an individual. More than this, Scripture places great emphasis upon the heart. Proverbs 4:23 says, "Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life." We must preserve and protect our hearts! Reading God's Word serves as the primary way in which we can care for, soften, and transform the spiritual heart which lies at the center of who we are. Tag us on instagram @withlovelank in your tee -- What are some of the ways that you take care of your heart?
Now, as much as I loved drawing the printed t-shirts, the handmade pieces were SO MUCH FUN to make!! As I'm sure you all noticed, these items featured various bows strewn about the tees and crewnecks. The appreciation and love for these blew me away, so I'll be adding more to the site in Vol. 3 or 4! Each piece represents the one of a kind customer purchasing because no two items are made the same. Each stitch lies differently than the one before in order to give special character and individuality.
Volume 2 holds a special place in my heart because I am reminded of the continued support from Volume 1 when the site initially opened. I appreciate each and every one of you!
Volume 3 is in progress and contains one of my FAVORITE pieces so far. Check out our instagram @withlovelank to stay updated. Vol. 3 launches May 22nd and you don't want to miss it!!
With love,